18th DESIGN Conference, Dubrovnik 2024


Discussion and further development of all aspects of design knowledge from cognition and philosophy, to methods and tools, from research theory to practice.

By tradition, DESIGN Conference is a forum for discussion and further development of design knowledge from cognition and philosophy to methods and tools, from research theory to practice.

The transition from known and comfortable to unknown and challenging is ubiquitous. It is challenging every aspect of our being. How can design research and practice respond to changes, influence wellness, ensure sustainable development, reimagine the future, rethink the product design and development?

How to improve design methodologies, tools, projects, and processes? How to develop products and services to make the world a healthier place? Which competencies, information, and communication technologies are needed? What is the impact on everyday design work? Which social and legal issues should be considered? How will we teach future designers, communicate ideas and share knowledge? How to adapt to the new normal?

Applied, theoretical, and results-oriented papers from academia and industry, based on thorough analysis or argumentation, will be considered for the conference programme. The submitted papers should fit into one of the proposed conference topics. It is expected that these specific topics are extensive and non-exhaustive.

A list of examples is added to illustrate the core topics. It is required explicitly from all contributors to show how they contribute to the overall research within these areas. A detailed description of topics and instructions for online submission is available at www.designconference.org.

Programme chairs welcome the high-quality submissions covering substantial, original, and previously unpublished research. Rigour academic research should provide designers with the next generation of methods and tools appropriate to the demands.

